display preferences for text format


this may be a strange suggestion for many, but I hope to find others who like the idea as well:

I do not like working in RTF, I do not need it, and working in several languages with severals scripts messes up the fonts shown in a document. I have come to love working with pure text documents during the last years, when I worked with XML and Ulysses e.g.

Text display in text editors is always less flexible than it might be: 1 line, tabs set like “4spaces” or so. This is not comfortable, and with East Asian languages in particular sometimes difficult to read, the top of the line often cut off.

We already have a default font for text display, would it be difficult to set up a default ruler for text display as well: Line height, tab position?

Would make life so much easier…


Im like the suggestion. First line indent would be something I’d like to set for all plain text paragraphs.

I’d wish that links and highlighting would work in plain text as well. Those features are the only reason why I use rtf. And I agree with you, Maria, rtf is a pain. Sooner or later you will get messed up with fonts or style (even when working with one language script only). I hate that.

Markdown syntax support in DTP would be nice too (for a future update :wink: )


Great :smiley:
