DT and GTD Tiddlywiki

There are some interesting Tiddlywiki (dcubed.ca/gtd-fusion.html. It’s tempting to think that you might be able to run one of these as an html page from the DT database and use it for managing lists, while also having project, reference, read/review, etc. folders alongside it within DT. This almost works now. There’s a plugin (link from the Tiddlywiki page) that allows Safari to save Tiddlywiki files, but when the page is run from within DT, the files are saved to the hard drive rather than back into the DT database. It would be really slick if this (and other Javascript applications) could be run from within the DT database and save back to themselves or other targeted areas in the database–aside from being immediately useful to GTD folks, this would in effect be stored procedures with a built-in GUI mechanism, which raises interesting possibilities. I don’t suppose DEVONtechnologies would be interested in providing an API for these kinds of scripts? In the short term, does anyone have any suggestings for getting these Tiddlywikis saving data back to their records in DT?

It turns out that you can index the Tiddlywiki document so that it appears in the DT database but is loaded from the disk. In this case, using the TiddlyWikiSaver plugin (accela.net/~dankna/tiddlywiki/) allows WebKit to save data to the location of the originial file on disk. This ends up working reasonably well (I’m also posting this to tips & tricks).

Great tip. I shall try this.

I experimented with using NextAction as a dashboard in DT last year.
venier.blogspot.com/2005/07/wiki … think.html

I recently looked at this implementation of GTD with TiddlyWiki and it seemed very neat.