DT as session manager

I’ve created a DB to use as a Safari session manager on steroids.

When I have a bunch of windows and tabs opened, I want to save all of them in a group in the form of web archives because this will be easy to search for content and retrieve the web page. It will be also easy to detect and erase duplicates.

I have a working basic framework for the script.

But I didn’t find how to :

  1. activate the specific DB (the archives are currently created in the inbox for the active DB)

  2. create a group named with today’s date and move the archives in this group

Could you give me some advice ?

tell application id "com.devon-technologies.thinkpro2"
	open database "Posix location of the DB"
	set this_database to database "SafariTabs"
end tell

tell application "Safari"
		repeat with currentWindow in every window
		set theTabs to currentWindow's tabs
			repeat with theTab in theTabs
			set this_URL to the URL of theTab
			set this_title to the name of theTab
			if exists URL of theTab then tell application id "com.devon-technologies.thinkpro2" to create web document from this_URL name this_title in this_database 
		end repeat
	end repeat
end tell

I’ve refactored and refined the script.

The tabs are now stored in a group named from the date of the save and a progress bar has been added to show what’s going on.

Maybe I’ll add a way to filter out the tabs that are irrelevant (web mails, various social networks, etc.)

set this_Date to (current date) as string

set tabList to {}

tell application "Safari"
	repeat with currentWindow in every window
			set theTabs to tabs of currentWindow
			repeat with theTab in theTabs
				set this_URL to the URL of theTab
				set this_title to the name of theTab
				set end of tabList to {this_title, this_URL}
			end repeat
		on error
		end try
	end repeat
end tell

tell application id "com.devon-technologies.thinkpro2"
	set this_database to open database "POSIX Path to your DB"
	show progress indicator "Archiving all opened tabs..." steps (count of tabList)
		set this_Group to create location "/" & this_Date in this_database
		repeat with i from 1 to count of tabList
			set this_title to item 1 of item i of tabList
			set this_URL to item 2 of item i of tabList
			create web document from this_URL name this_title in this_Group
			step progress indicator
		end repeat
	on error
		hide progress indicator
	end try
	hide progress indicator
end tell