DT To Go 2 Manual?

Hello, I’ve read and searched a bit in this forum about the syncing issues. I’m unable to sync my iPhone to my iMac as well. I apologize in advance if this has been asked already. But is there a manual pdf or instructions for syncing that I missed? If not is it possible a sticky thread could be started that explains the process so we aren’t recreating the wheel? Thanks in advance

Have you read the built-in Help? That’s why it opens when you first launch the application.

Yes I’ve read through the help. I’m not able to sync my iMac to my iPhone either. The requested manual would give the work flow of the process. Bouncing around hyperlinks doesn’t, in fact it is confusing and annoying to try to remember the path back after changing settings. I’ve read the FAQ’s. File Sharing and Bluetooth Sharing are checked. Both devices restarted. E.g. when I bought the app, after reading reviews, I thought the sync was direct between my device and DTPO. (Like OmniFocus) That’s what I’m interested in. I’m not interested in doing network trouble shooting. And judging from the other users posts I’m not the only one confused.

Please start a Support Ticket. Thanks.

Hi, After creating a Dropbox account I was able to use the DTTG app. I don’t know how it works but it did. Part of my problem was not understanding the role of Dropbox. I still don’t , but if it works hey, that’s the point right? This was what I meant earlier by workflow. I consider this problem solved, so no need for a ticket. Thanks again.

I too am having difficulty getting the sync to…well, sync :open_mouth: I’m sure I’m missing something, and I have read the inbuilt help file three times. Perhaps a tutorial video? That might help me catch my stupid and put it in a cage. :smiley: