(DT3 Bibliography) Formatted reference from Custom MD

ZotHero seems like a nice workflow - thanks. But it appears to only select one citation at a time. Is there some way with ZotHero to choose a Zotero collection and then have it create a bibliography of all the citations in that collection?

I would say this is a question for the developer of ZotHero, unless you wanted to fork his repo.

Very nice solution now on Github

See here

@rkaplan Thank you for the followup on this. From your description it sounds like @retorquere has indeed developed a viable solution - one that many of us have been looking for. I am eager to experiment with it!


One point I did not clarify… the app does does directly interface with DT3 at all. It does however create a set of nested folders with .html files corresponding to Zotero records and folders corresponding to Zotero collections. The interface to DT3 is simply by indexing the top level of those folders. It works very well by that mechanism.

That’s actually brilliant, and easily replicable in BibDesk with a custom html output template.

Here’s an AppleScript that creates html, one file per publication, ready for import. As written it uses the default html template which isn’t ideal but easy to customise.

set loc to "/path/to/folder/"

tell application "BibDesk"
	set s to selection of document 1
	repeat with i in s
		export document 1 using template "Default HTML template" for i to POSIX file (loc & ((cite key of i) as string) & ".html")
	end repeat
end tell