DT3 vs. DT2 Pro license change question

I’ve had DEVONThink Pro for a long time. There have been a LOT of updates, issued frequently, fixing bugs and adding features. The value is better than most and I have no problem with the new policy. We need to keep the company financially successful if we are to continue to reap the benefits.


TLoredo is describing an edu situation I found common: home machine, laptop, academic office machine - and EDU discount on purchase. I worked that way for years (recently retired.) Academia is not a high-paying profession, so the EDU discounts are welcome. But there are ways of handling seat limits.

I had a few ways to address the 2nd seat that some software demanded: Ask supervisor/admin to cover the second seat. Request purchase from IT support. Use the laptop instead of office machine. (IT liked that because they could re-circulate a machine.) The second seat is, as Jim pointed out, a business use. On a couple of occasions when I couldn’t be bothered to go to the admin, I used a travel/software perq for the second seat (DTTG, for instance).

Because DT was - is - central to my academic and teaching work, I had no problem making the argument for purchase to the administration. They baulked at yearly subscriptions.

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I am also upset by this. I have a personal Mac mini at my office that I use for personal family documents (nothing to do with my employer), I also have a home Mac and a laptop.

I guess I am also in the vocal 15% minority. But since I bought DT2 almost 9 years ago, I felt it was a good thing to pay the extra seat.

What I did not realize/understand is that the discounted price I saw in my account was not a discount but a trade. I originally purchased DT Pro Office 2, but I paid for the DT 3 Pro upgrade. Now my old DTPO2 license does not work, and I lost the Pro Office features.

DevonTech solution:

pay full price for DT3 and keep your old license.

Anyhow, if I am the only one that did not get that, fine, but I felt DevonTech should make this clearer. Also, why a trade a not just a discount is beyond me. :roll_eyes:



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You can use the new license code in DTPO 2.

Is DTPO using a DT3 license restricted to two seats or can I keep using DTPO on more than two machines?

DEVONthink 3’s license is always limited to the number of purchased seats, also in DEVONthink Pro Office 2. But using both on the same computer is only one seat.