DT3beta4 - Preview Columns

The ‘kind’ bug has been resolved, thank you, but the other issue persists, ie, despite selecting a custom column it does not display. I attach screenshots. As you can see, the column SOAF does not appear.

The column might be almost invisible, in that case deleting the preferences should fix this. Another possibility is that there are issues in your custom metadata setup due to issues of former betas. Please send the file ~/Library/Application Support/DEVONthink 3/CustomMetadata.plist to cgrunenberg - at - devon-technologies.com - thanks.

I have added a couple of new c/m and both columns appear so i think as you say the issue is the setup in the former beta. Thank you. I shall delete all the c/m and start over.

To cleanly delete the custom metadata in this case, I would suggest…

  1. Quit DEVONthink.
  2. In the Finder, select the ​Go ​menu while holding the ​Option key​, then choose ​Library​.
  3. In Application Support/DEVONthink 3, delete the CustomMetaData.plist file.
  4. Relaunch DEVONthink and all the custom metadata should be cleared, ready for new attributes to be added.

Have done now, thanks.