DTP 3.9 and Scrivener

Hi there

Apologies that I’ve only just seen this thread. I can only speak from my experience, but I have been keeping Scrivener packages inside DevonThink databases for some time and have not experienced any problems.

My usage is that I have a DevonThink database for each cohort of the research students I supervise. Each student has their own group in DevonThink database, and one of the items included in each student’s group is a Scrivener package. I do this because I find Scrivener the easiest way to maintain and comment on the multiple research drafts sent to me as Word documents by the student. (I use Scrivener’s ‘import and split’ to move the Word text into Scrivener.) I open the packages in Scrivener directly from DevonThink.

I have never had any problems with this approach, but I only use these DevonThink databases on one computer (an iMac) and nothing in either DevonThink or Scrivener is indexed or aliased.

with best wishes

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