DTP Install Questions


I purchased the Infoworker bundle after using DevonNotes trial. I am looking forward to incorporating these excellent apps into my workflow. However, I have two questions that I have not been able to find answers to after searching the forums:

  1. What do I do with the “extras” folders on both the DTP and DA install volumes?

Since there is no “readme” file in the install volumes, I have no idea what to do with these folders. Are the contents automatically copied to my hard disk when I drag the .app icons to my applications folder? Or do I need to do something with them manually?

  1. How do I import the data from my the Devon Notes trial app into DTP?

The DN trial period has expired so I have no way of accessing data I previously entered. I am hoping that there is a way to import this data into DTP.

Thanks for these great apps. I am looking forward to years of productive use.


  1. The Extras folder contains some potentially useful scripts and Automator actions, over and above what’s installed. They may be useful also to provide insights for users who write their own custom scripts and workflows.

Personally, I create a folder in my Applications folder and drag both the application and the Extras folder into that folder.

  1. You can request an extension of the trial period for DEVONnote at http://www.devon-technologies.com/support/index.html. Follow the instructions at the third “lifesaver” symbol.

Now that you can open your DEVONnote database, select the material that you would like to transfer to DT Pro. Select File > Export and export the material to a (previously created in the Finder) folder.

Next, open the DT Pro database that will hold the data. Select File > Import > Files & Folders. Choose all of the contents of the folder that holds the previously exported data.

Thanks for the prompt response Bill! I am all set now.
