DTP2 beta Module, what is it


I had install the beta.
I start the beta.
I window come with messages.
I don’t read the info and quitt it and store it named “… Module”
I have now a second database named “… Module” additional to my test database named “Testdatabase”
In sidebar of DT I see two databases.
First in -> Open databases -> Testdatabase
Second in -> Used databases -> … Module.

  1. Why database !.. Module"

When I delete .plist of DT the same window come and I must create the “… Module” again.


Sorry, I post this question in LANGUAGE-SPECIFIC BOARD, but now answers come.
Maybe in this forum too few users ? :wink:

I mean this window

The panel displayed in your photo can also be displayed by the menu command, Help > Install Add-ons.

If you confirm the installation by clicking on the ‘Install’ button, the checked items, such as an updated set of DT Pro 2 scripts, are installed. The user may also choose to check an unchecked item for installation, such as the option to add the Global Inbox to Save dialogs. Some items, if unchecked (such as the ABBYY OCR bundle in DT Pro Office) are unchecked because they need to be installed one time only, and were previously installed.

You may wish to check the Log after the installation, to check for any item that may not have been installed.

I’m completely mystified as to how you created a second database based on the ‘Install Add-ons’ procedure.

die Dinge solltest du installieren.

Vor allem solltest du einen haken bei “Globaler Eingang in sichern” machen. dann kannst du von jedem programm aus dateien/dokumente direkt nach DTPO sichern. das ging bisher nicht.

Wie du daraus eine datenbank gemacht hast, würde ich aber auch gern mal wissen…

Christian Grünenberg is gerade vater geworden, er kümmert sich sonst um das deutschsprachige forum …

Ich drückte auf installieren.
Dann kam Abfrage mit welchem Namen und wo sichern.
Ich gab einen Namen ein und sicherte.
Dann war sie in DT drin.

Ich mache das heute noch mal indem ich zuvor die .plist lösche.


das ist ein völlig verrücktes verhalten, normalerweise sollte es nach dem “installieren” drücken einfach installieren, es sollte dann noch eine abfrage kommen, ob du die abby finereader software herunterladen möchtest, (die ist ziemlich groß), das macht man aber in der regel.

da bin ich auch völlig überfordert, weil ich auch nur nutzer bin …

Which Log must I check … Path ? and so on. I’m not familar which Logs,

I’m not the developer :wink:

Simple way and I have repeat it today.

1 Delete the .plist of DT2
2 Start DTPbeta
3 Window come
4 I press the button Installation
5 Window in which I must name the a file and define the place. Standard place is Folder Document. I give a name and I press the button “establish”

In DTPbeta there is a new database with the name in folder open database


There is a Windows > Log menu in our application.

In this case I would send a message to support@devon-technologies.com where you refer to this thread and add the following information:

  1. Where is your home folder located? Is it a server and if so what kind of server environment?
  2. A screenshot of the main window of DEVONthink.
  3. Any text you find by searching for “DEVON” in the Console application (found in Applications > Utilities).

You can write it in German, that’s not a problem. Then it will be sent to Christian who might take a look at it between changing diapers of his new beautiful daughter.

DONE :smiley:
