DTTG bonjour service failed to start

Nothing changed in my system, but everytime I try to start DevonThink Pro Office I get the error:

TP then crashes.

Anybody have an idea?

What is “TP”?

Sorry TP was supposed to be DTP - as in Devonthink Pro.

Please locate a recent DEVONthink Pro crash report related to that event (you will find crash reports in the Console app Log) and attach or copy/paste it into a ticket to Support, with a summary of what you were doing at the time.

I have the same problem. Is there any fix to it? DTTG and DTP have synced not too bad- I can’t say well - but since I deleted DTTG on my iPhone and reinstalled it for some reason, that Bonjour thing has happened in DTP and DTTG can’t find my iMac.

Thanks for any help~

Does Bonjour at all work on your Mac and/or your network? Can you e.g. sync iTunes over-the-air with your device?

it doesn’t work on my mac. Syncing with iTunes has no problem.

it’s been solved by chance. it was related to Firewall setting.

What was the firewall setting that was causing the problem? I’m getting a “DTTG bonjour service could not be initialized” message.
Other bonjour services work (e.g. iTunes sync with iPhone , printing to bonjour hp printer)
Thanks in advance