EasyFind - I can't get a listing of all the applications

I love your product - EasyFind. But I am having a problem trying to get a list of applications found in my Application folder. I have tried using Wildcards, searching for “.app” (without the quotes), and other options but I can’t get it to work. The program will list about six or seven files but nothing more. I also tried adding a file type of “app” (without the quotes) to the “file types” to scan found in the right slideout bar but that did not work at all.

I just want to get a list of all my applications so I can print the found list of applications for restoring purposes in case my computer crashes I will know what needs to be re-installed. I have a lot of applications so I need a utility to list all of them.

Any suggestions?

Also is there a way to show what the version of the application is in the list of found files (applications)?



Mark, I did an EasyFind search using “.app” (without quotes) and the Phrase operator.

The search was for files and folders, and was limited to the Applications folder.

I got 113 results, which looks about right for my MacBook Pro Applications folder, as I’m picky about installing applications on it. A casual inspection comparing the content of the Applications folder and the EasyFind search results didn’t reveal differences, although I didn’t do a total correspondence check.

I did pick up some scripts saved as applications (droplets) that were stored in my folder that holds DEVONthink Pro and some related files. But EasyFind was correct in finding them.

The closest thing to a version report is the “last modified” date for each application.


Thanks for the quick turn-around.

Yes, that worked. :slight_smile: I think my problem was first I chose “Only Files” instead of chosing “Files & Folders”. My second problem was chosing “Any Word” instead of “Phrase”.

It would be great in a future update to be able to see “Version” as a column choice. It also would be nice to have the ability to select only the columns you want to see listed.

Another feature to add would be the ablility to print the “result” list of files and/or folders.

BTW, I like you simple/clean layout.

Thanks again for this nice utility.