Editing metadata via Finder?

I want to make some changes to my tagging hierarchy. My plan is to use Houdahspot to identify all files (most but not all stored in Devonthink) with specific tags in order to change some of them. I know it’s strongly recommended that I not edit files stored in Devonthink from outside the app (e.g., using TextEdit). However, is it safe to edit metadata like tags from Finder? Thanks.

Why wouldn’t you just use a search inside DEVONthink and make changes in the tags group for each database?

Also, the imported files found by HoudahSpot are not the original files in DEVONthink. They are the metadata files used by Spotlight, so if you tag them you will be not tagging the files in DEVONthink.

know it’s strongly recommended that I not edit files stored in Devonthink from outside the app (e.g., using TextEdit).

That sounds like a misunderstanding. You can open a file in TextEdit from within DEVONthink and make edits. That is safe and normal behavior. What you shouldn’t do is access the internals of a DEVONthink database directly, including adding or removing any files.

Very helpful. Thank you.

You’re welcome :slight_smile: