Efficiently adding a particular item link to a sheet's item link column

I’m looking for an efficient way to add a particular item link to a sheet’s item link field. Currently, it seems I have to select the field’s pop up menu and drill down through groups to select the particular item. Very slow.

It would be nice if the user could have a search interface (much like the menu bar search) to quickly find and select the needed item. Maybe a magnifying glass icon could be off to the side of the item link field (at least in form view) to bring up the search interface. Or, in table view, a click in the field might bring up the search interface while a click and hold would bring up the groups to drill into. Just ideas.

And it would be nice if an item could be dragged from another DT window to populate the item link field.

Why don’t you just control-click > Copy Item Link the document before you access the sheet?

Sorry if I’m being dense, but I can find no way to paste the link into the field. After copying the item link, I’ve gone to the sheet and selected the Item Link field, in table and form view, and tried to paste; and I’ve tried to tab into the field, then paste. The only way I’ve been able to get the item link field to populate is through the pop up menu and drilling down the groups. Am I missing something?

The Item Link is a special field and requires selecting the target.
A URL field can be copied and pasted into.

Thanks for the clarification. Referencing my original post as a feature request, I do think it would be helpful to have a more efficient way of selecting an item in the Item Link field. For example, when printing something from within Safari and choosing Save PDF to Devonthink 3, a dark dialog box appear. See below:

This interface would be very helpful in other places such as when selecting an item for the Item Link field in a sheet, and when adding an item in the DT3 helper in the menu bar.

Thanks for the suggestion. Development will have to assess the feasibility of that. Cheers!