Email addresses extraction


Is there any way to search a specific site, and collect only email addresses that are published there ?

Instead of a lot copy/paste ?



If you have a link selected in a DEVONagent browser, you can cull the email addresses on the current page with this little code snippet…

tell application id "com.devon-technologies.agent" to get links of (get source of browser 1) containing "@"

Thank you.

It is not towards some data-mining for spam or similar tasks.
DevonAgent is all about Data-Mining… and sometimes we just need to extract specific data for legitimate and legal tasks.

I just happen to have a few blogs, where no contact form mechanism was applied, and people used to register by commenting their email in the open.

Now I want to collect just those emails, import them to mailchimp, and send everyone an email to approve they want to be in the new list.

Then, I’ll be able to delete those emails from these blogs, since I’m sure they all get bombarded by spam because of that.

Cool. Well, I hope this snippet is helpful then.

This snippet is more reliable & powerful by using the Email scanner:

tell application id "com.devon-technologies.agent"
	set theBrowser to browser 1
	set theSource to source of theBrowser
	set theURL to URL of theBrowser
	return get scanner objects of theSource base URL theURL scanner "com.devon-technologies.mail.scanner"
end tell

Interesting, but I don’t see where the scanners are documented. I see in DA’s Help, “List of Scanners” but not the syntax for specifying the scanner.

Window > Plugins & Scanners

Good eye, korm. I learn something new every day. (No, seriously. I do. :mrgreen:)