Encrypted DB being unlocked

I created an encrypted database and when I reboot and open the database, it just opens and doesn’t ask for a password. I suspect the password might be in the keystore but I’m unable to find it - how do I find where it is stored?

It appears it may have been synced from the machine where I created it and not encrypted on this machine

On this machine, it has the extension .dtBase2

On the machine where it is encrypted (and I think created), it has the extension .dtSparse

Maybe you have stored the encryption key in your Keychain? DEVONthink offers this when creating an encrypted database.

P.S. Cessna, Piper, or …? :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m pretty sure I didn’t save the password - as well, I’ve looked for it in keychain and cannot see anything obvious for it.

P.S. Cherokee 6

I just tried an experiment - created an encrypted database on machine A. Made it syncable. Synced it to Machine B. On machine B it is not encrypted.

This seems like a bug to me - either it should get encrypted on the other end OR a warning saying that when I made it syncable it would not be encrypted on other machines.

Oh I understand. That might be correct. The encryption status of a database is not (yet) synchronized. I’ll point the developer to this thread.

P.S. In our club we’re flying PA-28 (mostly training) and C182T.

It appears it may have been synced from the machine where I created it and not encrypted on this machine

That is correct.

Though Development can comment as they wish, if you want to sync an encrypted database - which actually is contained in an encrypted disk image - copy the disk image (.dtSparse file) to the second machine and open it normally. Then you can sync the database between the two machines as expected.

Thanks Jim - that appears to work. I would expect that only open databases will sync

I would expect that only open databases will sync

I’m not sure what you mean here, but you’re welcome. :slight_smile:

And again, Development can assess and address (ugh! Rhyming :stuck_out_tongue: ) if sync will behave differently, but this is my advocated method.

I meant that the database must be open to sync with iCloud

Yes, it’s hard to sync databases that are not open :slightly_smiling_face:

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This is actually intentional, any database can be locally encrypted or not (see contextual menu in Preferences > Sync to import databases as normal or encrypted ones). E.g. on certain devices encryption might be useful, on others unnecessary. You can even use different passwords on different devices.

That does make sense - I would suggest some sort of warning dialog perhaps if you go from encrypted to non-encrypted sync.

Just checked the context menu - a wording suggestion would be to use “Import as …” to make it clear what the local database format would be. However, I’m not a UI developer (prefer the server side…)