Entourage Mail

I have installed DevonThinkPro and then the add ons. When I open services in either DTP or Entourage, I find no option to import my email to the DTP database. Could you give me the step by step as I think I must be missing something obvious? Thanks

Please have a look at the scripts menu (in the upper right corner of the screen) when Entourage is the active application. The scripts menu extra should list scripts to import selected messages or mailboxes.

Please note that v1.1 has a bug with the “Add mailbox(es) to DEVONthink” script. This has been fixed for the next minor maintenance release.

When I am in Entourage and try to open the Entourage script folder, nothing happens. Do I have to move something into it?

If you are using DT Pro 1.1, the scripts were automatically installed if you accepted the “install” option at first launch of the application. To be sure, select Help > Install Add-Ons and click on Install.

With Entourage as your frontmost application, select one or more messages – or one or more mailboxes – and choose the relevant script from your ‘global’ Scripts menu – the Scripts menu near the right side of your menu bar.

The two scripts for use in Entourage will be either near the top or the bottom of your Scripts panel (that position can be adjusted using AppleScript Utilities).