Error when OCR picture

Error when OCR picture 。


For example


Page O of the image file cannot be opened due to the following error: Image size exceeds limits (32512 x 32512).

Nsers/dopamine/ Library/CloudStorage/One Drive-Soonshow/GO6 商业案例库/【行业】电商/

1.jpg. FileName = /Users/dopamine/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-Soonshow/Go6 商业案例库/【行业】电商/1.jpg


Unable to create an OCR document

Page o of the image file cannot be opened due to the following error: Image size exceeds limits (32512 x 32512).

Wsers/dopamine/Librarv/CloudStorage/ OneDrive-Soonshow/GO6 商业案例库/【行业】电商/1.ipg. FileName = /Users/ dopamine/Library/CloudStorage/

OneDrive-Soonshow/Go6 商业案例库/【行业】电商/1jpg


What is the solution ??
thank u ~~

Try to scale the image down before running OCR. If the error message is correct, the file must be huge.

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thank you !!!
