Expand All / Collapse All in item list

Is there any way to expand all (or collapse all) nested groups in the item list (as opposed to in the sidebar, where this can be done via the context menu)?

BTW - really liking the DEVONthink 3 update. Really happy to see improvements with very few regressions.

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I’ll answer my own question: Command-A and then Option-“right arrow” to expand all or Option-“left arrow” to collapse all.


That’s definitely one way to go about it! Nice. :slight_smile:

Any chance we might have back a “Collapse All” command? I assigned it to a hot key and used it all the time…

It’s currently only available in the sidebar’s contextual menu.

I also miss the ability to collapse all. It currently takes multiple key presses to accomplish this process in the main window, and the contextual menu in the sidebar is small and distant from the group with which I am working. The same process doesn’t work in these two different areas, which is unfortunate. That’s my two cents, for what its worth!

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Hello. Thank you for your posts. Why Opt → instead of just → ? I am not arguing. Just wondering if there is something that I don’t understand

→ expands one level; option-→ expands all.