Export note/group to iPod?

Would it be possible to have some form of integration with an iPod, such that I could select a note, or perhaps even a group, and have it sucked down onto an iPod for offline viewing? It would have to be a text-only export, of course, but even that would be quite useful in some areas.

I didn’t find anything in the DTse help, or in the forums, so thought I’d go ahead and post this.

There’s already a simple way to do this, using the free software Pod2Go (kainjow.com/pod2go), which will automatically copy text or RTF files to your iPod whenever you plug it in. You simply set up Pod2Go to “watch” a particular folder, then export your DEVONthink note/group into this folder (you can do the same with emails, Word docs - anything you can convert to text or RTF). The next time you plug in your iPod, all the text/RTF files in your designated folder will be transferred over.

I use this with a 1st generation iPod, but I believe it works just as well with later models. The only niggle is that sometimes Pod2Go doesn’t auto-sync and you have to select Sync in Pod2Go’s menu. But the author’s working on that.

Great! Thanks for the tip. I’ll check it out.

Maybe version 2.0 will provide an export plugin for iPods (just have to get a grip on the iPod of my girlfriend :slight_smile:)