Extra Notes Created?

Hello, I am a new DT3 user, so please go easy on me :innocent:

When importing my notes from Evernote, I see that every PDF or image (like a jpg, png, etc) note gets a second note added to it, a sort-of Table of Contents for each PDF or image file. I do not need these — is there a preference somewhere to not create them?

This has already been discussed and explained in the forum. Searching for “Evernote import” should help you out.

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Evernote notes (enml format) are imported as a Devonthink record (formatted note)
Images are embedded in the formatted note record
Other file attachments are imported as separate records, within a group record

is there a preference somewhere to not create them?

There’s no preference setting but see the discussion at Quick way to delete 'empty' imported Evernote notes

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Welcome @macfixer

Try this…

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Thank you all! Great to be here, and happy to learn all that this thing can do! :nerd_face:

You’re very welcome.

and happy to learn all that this thing can do!

I’ve been trying to learn everything it can do for 9.5 years. Still learning :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

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