Feature Request: Recent Destinations inclusion

When I add a webpage to Devonthink using the Clip to Devonthink helper in Safari, I click “Location” in the dialog and check the “Recent Destinations” list. It would be helpful to have the group included that is showing in the front window (or in each window) of DevonThink. The would seem to agree with the meaning of “Recent Destinations.” That is, places I’ve recently navigated to, or created, in Devonthink.

Development would have to assess this but the request is noted.

Smart Group: Recent Locations

  • Kind is Group
  • Date Modified within last 7 days

Smart groups aren’t visible in the Sorter as they can’t receive content.

I thought @devamag asks if it is possible to have a group like “Recent Destinations” (which we have in sorter or saving dialogs) in the Sidebar.