Filter inbox by untagged items?

Is there a way to filter the inbox to reveal items that don’t have tags / are untagged?

Quick search of this form, I found:

Where @bluefrog says

If you’re just looking for untagged items use Item is not Tagged .

Does this help?

You can make a smart group for this and limit the search scope to where you want. I thought it would be easy with a search, but I couldn’t quickly figure out the syntax – or find the correct criteria for a smart group before @rmschne replied. I haven’t had this need so far. To make it very easy, here’s a screenshot:

You can of course further customize the group.

Edit: Using the filter boxes under the search bar reveals this syntax: item:!tagged scope:Inbox

Also see Help > Tutorials > Don’t Sarch, Find.

Well, I didn’t spend a long time looking before @rmschne’s reply. While I’m no search Grand Master, I often use different search prefixes and operators – but as I said, this is not really something I’ve personally felt the need to filter for before. I just thought it would be pretty quick to figure out and give a little back to the forum :wink: As well as train my search syntax-fu.

I thought it might be possible to do some sort “tag is not: any" (tag:! or tag:! * or ~) but had a vague recollection that it was not so, as I quickly could confirm. I had kind of forgotten about the item prefix. I rarely search based on state, more often on content (combined with date, url, author, keywords and stuff like that.)

And while the Tutorial is a nice overview, it doesn’t really answer OP’s question specifically. But I appreciate the reminder of their existence, as I usually consult the User Manual. Indeed, if I had read a bit further, I would have found this in the Help > Appendix > Search Prefixes:

@jadecricket I recommend reading that section in the Help/User manual, or marking it for quick reference. It is very handy, and one of my most often referenced parts of the manual.

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Your offering is a good one and will likely be useful to future readers.
And thanks for the nice comments on the manual as that is my jurisdiction :slight_smile:

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I know :wink: And it really is a great manual, in my opinion! :smiley: