Formatted HTML - Lots of Potential.


I am really excited about the new formatted HTML and possible ways of making the most out of it.

One of the biggest problems for RTF, Word and Pages, they are designed for printing on paper, not digital documents. I believe the future is similiar to formatted HTML.

For example, If I use DevonThink to prepare a photography notes for myself. I want to drag and drop a photo, and make a comment on the photo next to it.

I could design some formatted HTML template, just drag and drop the photo I like, and then write the comment. without cropping or resizing the photo. The page style is controlled by CSS, I could change it anytime. At the moment, RTF don’t really allow style and different background colour, but it would be nice to view the photos in black. I can go full screen to view the photo if I want, but Pages cannot do that.

It will be wonderful for collecting ideas and bookmarks. Drag and drop bookmarks to Devonthink, It can generate thumbnail previews and allow me to write comments about it.