Formatted Note 3.0

Christian @cgrunenberg, apparently the new option is causing a sort of conflict over here where the markdown files in preview mode are alternating between dark and light backgrounds (and thus ignoring the color specified in the CSS file).

Which setting was enabled in preferences?

Unticking it fixes the issue (but forces me to use a light background in source mode).

Does this also happen in case of formatted notes created with the latest version?

I could test, but I don’t use formatted notes at all.

I’m sorry, I assumed it’s a formatted note due to the thread’s topic :slight_smile: In case of Markdown documents - do they include any styles or did you setup a custom style sheet in Preferences > Media for Markdown previewing?

Ouch, I’m sorry, Christian. I should have stated it more clearly (and perhaps elsewhere).

Yes, I do have a custom CSS in place. I tested several different CSS files that have always worked fine.

Does it work as expected without the custom CSS (and maybe restarting DEVONthink)?

It worked fine without the custom css. Now it started to work alright again with the css :slight_smile: Sorry for the false alert. Next time I’ll wait it out for a while before reporting.

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