Get kind to get the type/kind of record/item

I have a script which I want to check the kind/type of the record. If it is image, do something; if it is video, do another thing. So, I thought I should use get kind.

The dictionary says:

If I don’t use this to check the kind/type of record, what should I use? I cannot find anything closer to get kind.

For example:

Screenshot 2024-08-10 at 5.04.07 AM

tell application "DEVONthink 3"
	type of selected records
end tell

Thanks. That’s perfect.

Just a detail: kind is the localized version of type. They may be the same, but that’s not guaranteed. Example:
type: PDF document
kind: PDF+Text
in the German locale. Your best bet is to always use type as that doesn’t depend on the environment the script runs in.