Gripes with Devonthink pricing

It does; I did the same thing. It’s that one draw for stuff which might be useful but just doesn’t want to fit a category.

Yours has a much better title than mine, I just have a “misc” category where I dump things that are interesting but not relevant to my main fields of interest.

I’ve - almost literally - always had a scrapbook…

I actually thought for a while that such a thing was akin to sacrilege in the digital world of DT; but that attitude left a small number of files always sitting in the inbox. They didn’t belong properly; wherever I might put them, I knew I would not be able to later recollect the logic of putting them there. And so I recreated in the digital world what I have always had in the real world. And it just makes sense.


Wow! Thanks for the link. I’m going to install that as soon as I can clear away some annoying gainful employment. Work gets in the way of so much important stuff.

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Update - ended up getting the DT3P updgrade and took advantage of the extra seat discount - thank you!
Learning to adapt my research and writing style to DTs system, which is hard because a) I don’t know it inside and out yet, which means that b) I don’t know how that can affect my organisation and research skills when designing research projects. In my case, sometimes too many features causes friction and stops me from just getting into the work and doing it.
But still, it’s nice to play around with and learn how to work with it.
I wish I had known about/used the OCR functions years ago, that’s for sure.
There are still a few little grievances I have with some things, like missing features that seem obvious.
But again, learning to adapt. Thanks for all the help to everyone in other threads I’ve posted in.



Recommendation: Don’t go over-board “writing” with DEVONthink if your needs are greater than can be done in DEVONthink. While certainly possible to “write” stuff in DEVONthink (and I do a lot of notes and first-thoughts-drafts of things in DEVONthink), for complex and large writing projects I use tools that are better suited, e.g. word processors, Scrivener, etc. to support the whole writing environment. As mentioned before, use the macOS feature of “windows” to put DEVONthink research material in one window, and the writing tool in an adjancent window, … Just a nudge.


oh yeah of course. Thanks!
Actually I have scrivener as well. I recently abandoned the idea of it as being my sole file management/repository + writing application. But now I use it solely for writing. It got me through my PhD, but it had it’s limits. And that is where I’m having to learn how to readjust my workflow - weaning away from Scrivener as the research tool.

Yes, Scrivener big + for writing, DEVONthink big + for research repository/digging/discovery.

Trying to bend each to your will to do what it’s not really intended to do … tears.

Congrats on the PhD. I’m thinking, despite old age, going in that direction. Anticipating writing a thesis looking to make sure I can do it with Scrivener and its LaTeX features. Looking good. [Very long term project!]

I’m thinking, despite old age, going in that direction. Anticipating writing a thesis looking to make sure I can do it with Scrivener and its LaTeX features.

Go for it! It is quite stressful though. Some people say they are prepared for it, but have no idea the stress it can cause. A PhD is not called Permanent Head Damage for no reason!
But there are of course some who can get through. If you are grounded enough, there is no reason why not. Age is not an issue, its a platform.


A PhD is not called Permanent Head Damage for no reason!

Hahaha - nice! :stuck_out_tongue:

I used Devonthink Pro Office v 2 as a major part of my law practice for eight years for only the original cost of the software. I was constantly wondering why the company didn’t charge more for it.

I judge the cost of business software by how much time it saves me and how much work it takes off my hands. For people who need this kind of software, Devonthink is a blessing. It’s clear to me after using v. 3 for the last two years that a lot of hard work and attention to every detail went into the process of rebuilding it. I am constantly finding new ways to use it and features that make my life easier.

I think it’s underpriced. At some point the publishers should consider a subscription model, which has become common in the industry. I think that it provides software publishers with a strong incentive to keep improving their products.

Ken Cohen


Welcome @kenco
Thank you for the long-term support and your gracious comments. Development certainly raised the bar with DEVONthink 3, a proud achievement for sure.



The joys of the concept of “marginal utility” first proposed by German economist H.H. Gossen in the 19th century and its relationship to pricing. See Relationship between Marginal Utility and Price | Economics Blogs - ScholarsZilla
For power users, such as yourself, you are receiving a bargain. For others that do not use DTP frequently, no so much. For DevonTechnologies, they get to figure out the right pricing for its software and the free market will determine how right (or wrong) they are. I also use DTP in my law practice and have been a long time owner of DTP (since 2010), but use the program only on occasion for special projects.

This is not to minimize the substantial improvements in v3 and the IOS companion. I applaud the improvements and hope DevonTechnologies will continue to maintain and improve its innovative software.


I think the challenge with expectations on pricing is that DevonThink is a swiss army knife. How many people buy one of the larger Swiss Army knives and just use the main blade? Maybe occasionally one or two other tools? DevonThink being this way, means that it is very approachable from a broad number of use cases.

The more you use other tools of the Swiss army knife, the more your perceived value increases. This means investing time and research to understand how it can be best configured for your use case. As that goes up, your perception of how much you should pay for it increases. Further, no one of us probably uses all the tools in the exact same way, so that makes tiered pricing challenging to set.

For me, DT is one of the most valuable pieces of software I own. I am happy to pay more if that means keeping DT sustainable as a business or continuing to develop the software. The real cost to me starts to become apparent if DT were to cease operating or not stay on the cutting edge of its craft. I say that while appreciating that others may not feel the same and would look for another software package to do what they want… and maybe in those cases products like KeepIt or Evernote will suit, but not for me.


The one below doesn’t even come close to DEVONthink’s feature richness :slight_smile:


Is that for real?? If so, I want one. I’ve already got DEVONthink.



I would love to watch you using the screw driver of this tool :rofl:


I’m more concerned with being able to use the corkscrew…



I don’t have the wardrobe for that knife. One must respect a sense of fashion ensemble.

I would need a much nicer pocket protector stuffed with technical pens, perhaps an upgraded case for my Keuffel and Esser, and fresh tape holding my glasses together.

Now that I think about it, since the eye surgery I don’t wear glasses any more and I can’t find my slide rule. I’m completely out of luck.