Help! Need larger Name field in Get Info inspector window

Anybody’s eyes will get tired after about 11 or 12 hours at work, but in my situation, often late at night like that is the only chance I get to scan important documents into DTPO on a busy day.

DTPO’s developers could make it much easier on folks like me simply by enlarging the “Name” field at the top of the Get Info inspector, and turning on the settings that will permit a larger (and clearer) font choice in that Name field.

Otherwise, if I’m too tired, I’ll scan the documents without naming their files in DTPO, and the next morning I’ll have to waste time by digging though the serialized files using Quick Look. If it were just a little easier on the eyes to name the files in the Get Info inspector at scan time, things would flow a lot more smoothly the next day.

Many thanks for considering this request!

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Why not change the list font and rename the files without the Info panel?

Christian: Thanks for your reply. Some time ago I increased the list font size, and whenever possible, I do use the window lists.

Why not do that all the time? In short, to prevent or reduce window shifting, sizing, and digging. I might have a dozen or more DTPO windows open if it’s been a busy day. Instead of digging through them to get to the window containing the line item of the file I need to rename, I know that if I have that file open, I can simply click on the Inspector icon in the title bar and I can rename that open file without digging to find the list window containing the file, scrolling to find its line item, and selecting it before I can type the new title.

In these cases, the Get Info inspector is my friend. It’s my “humble servant,” as the professor used to say in my introductory CS class at Stanford some years ago. It saves me from additional work.

Also, these days I’m working more frequently in Pages, which requires constantly going to its Inspector window to modify tables and do all sorts of other tasks. It becomes an unconscious habit to open the Inspector window, or to leave it open on the side of the screen, and I think that’s a habit I find transfering more and more to DTPO.

Hope that makes sense. Thanks again.