Help with DTTG and PDF Expert

No problem. No tricks or workarounds I know of personally.

Alright. I have to bump this because I am a bit confused. I want to annotate PDFs in PDFExpert on iOS and have them synced as the PDFs with the annotations in DTTG (and DT Pro).

Let’s presume first that all players in the transfer chain work as they should to transfer annotations PDF Expert -> DTTG. I am only concerned with understanding the process to make this happen.

I set up sync with Dropbox using DT Pro on my mac. I see the folder Apps: Devonthink Packet Sync. Inside is the store that I created (DTPro.dtCloud). I can use this successfully to access database between my iPad and my mac.

This is however apparently NOT how I am supposed to be able to access the PDFs with all three apps (DTTG iOS, DT Pro macOS, and PDF Expert macOS/iOS) ???

For discussion purposes, let’s call the database that I want to sync RRR (research, read, review). Am I supposed to do this …

  • Create a folder in Dropbox (Dropbox:Shared:PDFs)
  • Store (raw) PDFs in that folder
  • Point PDF Expert to that folder and annotate the PDF files
  • Point DT Pro to that folder to INDEX the PDF files to the database RRR
    ==> ??? point DTTG to that folder too (ideal approach but how) ???
    ==> ??? realize that PDF files that are in the database RRR in DT Pro are synced to the database RRR in DTTG when the sync takes place ???

I presume this is the process and the latter step is what I have to do. I must sync annotations on PDF files made in PDF Expert back to DTTG using the process PDF Expert -> Dropbox PDF File -> DT Pro database index -> DTTG database.

Any insights would be appreciated.


Your fatal flaw: DEVONthink To Go does not support indexed files, so no you can’t point it at some Dropbox folder. If you index the folder on the Mac, you must sync the contents of indexed items and those will be local to DEVONthink To Go.
You could then use the Document Provider to open the PDF files in DTTG in PDF Expert.

I see the folder Apps: Devonthink Packet Sync. Inside is the store that I created (DTPro.dtCloud). I can use this successfully to access database between my iPad and my mac.

PS: You shouldn’t be seeing any local sync data on your Mac. You should be excluding the DEVONthink Packet Sync in the Dropbox app’s Preferences > Sync > Selective Sync.

OK. Thanks. I am out of Pocket now and switching to DTTG primarily for this feature.

Some day perhaps the ability to share files seamlessly between apps on iOS will be brought out of the stone age. Not the fault of DTTG or PDF Expert I know.

I am unconcerned about whether I see or do not see these things. Alternatively, I figure when I am not supposed to see something, the developers of the app will make sure it is appropriately hidden (lest I inadvertently go mucking about in it before I find the fine print on page 856 of the user’s manual telling me not to do that).