Highlighting problems

Very interesting pro tips and power tools mentioned in this thread! Thanks! @pete31 @chrk

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Yes. In an other app I use yellow for the general highlighting and blue for key words. They almost always overlap.


Sometimes i wonder if the developers ever use the software for their own purposes.

Such an intelligent, powerful utility … with some bad issues in the daily workflow.

These “no simple highlight pencil” and "“cannot highlight overlapping highlighted parts of the text” are perfect examples. The issue are known/signalized for several years now. In Apple’s Preview, everything works as expected (but “URL not longer clickable if highlighted” is a problem in Preview, too)

((I even realize that there things i should and i could every day with DTPO but i am always following inconscient workarounds because the fear of frustration is profoundly anchored))

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Every single day… for years.

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So if you use it every single day, let’s take that example, how do manage exactly this problem:

highlight an important paragraph. Read it again. Realize that there is a key word inside that is more important than others. How do you highlight it in another color please?

I don’t do what you’re describing. As you said “I use the software for my own purposes.” My own purposes don’t include highlighting and re-highlighting already highlighted bits of text.

And that is exactly the problem. I often remarked that your workflow differs from other workflows, and i believe that your workflow is different from what most people do.

Apple’s Preview’s behavior regarding highlighting seems to fit to a large need, so one can imagine that DTPO should offer the same in order to fit “most needs”

You say:
“My own purposes don’t include highlighting and re-highlighting already highlighted bits of text.”

I am pretty sure that you are pretty alone with this “no-need”. It is an very likely scenario to highlight inside highlighted text, and it is even more likely that one needs to highlight a new portion of a text, and have the right to overlap already existing highlights, without loosing the existing highlight.

Perhaps other users could expression their opinion?

You asked if we use the software ourselves ”for our own purposes”. I responded with a clear Yes we do.

I would not assume most are doing what you do just as I would not assume most are doing what I do. And there are no metrics available to make such a claim either way.

Also, I acknowledged your complaint and opinion above.

People are free to express their opinions and uses.

Personally I have never highlighted in a different colour words in already highlighted text. Not saying it’s right or wrong, but I would never have even thought to do that. May be it’s not as common as you think, but let’s see what others do, Bluefrog would have a good idea, as filters through user requests.

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Apple’s Preview Highlighting behavior is supposed (!) to meet most users needs. And there everything is working fine (except for Highlighted URLs)

And please, which reason, in which workflow, there is that highlighting a second part of a phrase deletes highlighting of the first part of the phrase if there is a single overlapping character?
You can easily add highlighting , even overlapping, in Adobe Acrobat, Apple Preview…

If this is not the same behavior in DTPO, there must be a good reason for that?

I also often highlight paragraphs of text, but want to have specific parts/words in different colors. Underlining adds emphasis, but with colors I can assign value too (like red for negative, green for positive, etc.).
This is pretty standard behavior for most people who highlight text and the reason why practically every PDF app has multiple color options.
I also think that the behavior in DEVONthink to delete whole paragraphs of highlights when using another color for just a section from that paragraph is a huge bug that isn’t found in any other PDF application I know of.
I work around this issue by selecting just a bit of text and leaving spaces when different colors are needed. This is obviously much more work than retroactively changing just a word or sentence.
While I don’t need additive highlights like other apps allow for (PDF Viewer, …), DEVON shouldn’t delete existing highlights and would be better if it behaved like all other PDF apps in changing colors without replacing whole sections of highlights.

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As I noted above…

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The next release will improve this.


thank you so much!

Thank you so much to developers for the new feature; Now, i ts really great!


Nooooo? The feature has gone, once again, it is not possible to add highlighting to a partially highlighted text without cancelling the whole highlighting?

This hasn’t been modified for quite a while. Did you upgrade macOS?