Highlights from DTTG 3.2.2 not erasable in DTTP 3.8


The title says it all, I cannot, in DTTP 3.8, delete highlights created in DTTG 3.2.2.
But I can remove them in DTTG 3.2.2.

I don’t think it was the case w past versions of both software.
Did I miss something?


Is the PDF marked as read-only (see navigation bar)?

as in the top bar of the document window? no, it seems not.
also not locked/unlocked.

Could you please send the document to cgrunenberg - at - devon-technologies.com? Thank you!

Thank you for the document! It’s actually marked as read-only (see permissions in the Info window of Preview.app), only viewing/printing/copying is allowed.

I can actually delete the annotations in Preview, and DTTG, just not in DT.
So why?

The PDFkit honors the permissions, seems that e.g. Preview doesn’t anymore.

I guess it depends on how you interprete “Adding Annotations”: does it include removing annotations? that is probably the question…

Just noticed that it’s an encrypted document, these are not editable at all currently in DEVONthink.

Thx for the info. The discrepancy in that regard between DTTG and DT is still a mystery to me, but I can live with the idea of removing highlights in Preview.
Thx again!

The discrepancy in that regard between DTTG and DT is still a mystery to me,

DEVONthink uses Apple’s PDFKit.
DEVONthink To Go uses PSPDFKit.