How can I do this?

That way lies madness. And since you don’t need to calculate, what’s the use of a spreadsheet?

Of course, people use spreadsheets for all kind of things. Which doesn’t meant that they’re the best tool for every task.

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Agreed. And if no calcs are needed, i.e., you’re just using tabular data, why not just use DEVONthink’s sheet format.

Well, it’s not obvious how one would establish a one-to-many relationship (disease - symptoms) with a sheet without introducing redundancies.

Take a look at Tinderbox: The Tool For Notes

True. Just saying the use of Excel or Numbers may not be needed if only tabular data was in play.

That is a truly serious disease.

If you take the tag approach, perhaps somewhat of prefix could be interesting:

  • lab_whatever1, lab_whateve2, …
  • exa_whatever1, exa_whatver2, …

My tuppence-worth:

  • get your hands on Tinderbox (TB)( TB is not so much a database, but allows (simply put) a collection of related things - “anythings” you want. TB would be probably the most suitable option for you to explore.

  • Learning curve is slow and steep, and you’ll fall over quite a bit, but there’s plenty of help in the TB community (lookup Michael Becker on YouTube - he’s superb).

  • Your requirements should be able to be mapped out nicely with just a few hours work, I reckon. And it’ll allow plenty of room for growth - there aren’t many limitations.

And the great news is …

Your TB file can be stored nicely in DEVONthink for easy access.

Job done.

Go and download the trial version and give it a test drive. It’ll be a mind shift, but you’ll get there.

I should add that I’m not in any way connected commercially with Eastgate - I’m just a long-time subscriber.

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Thanks fir your suggestion. I like the idea, but have two issues: There is no iOS app for when I’m on the iPad or on mobile, and I imagine the datasets are not so much interoperable.
For the moment I try to get myself started with Ninox (though I don’t know anything about databases…)

It’s actually fairly easy with Ninox. I suppose that you’d need at least two tables: symptoms and diseases. Not so sure about the lab findings and examination findings - I guess, “findings” is just a word here and does not mean that you can “find” the same things in the lab as in an examination. Then, you’d need at least two more tables, one for lab and one for examination.

If, however, lab is something like LDL, Bilirubin, Leucocyte levels, things might get a tad more complicated.

Interesting topic, but it’s quite a distance from Devonthink.

If mobility and Ninox is your preferred, then have a go. Personally, I think TB is the way to go. Happy to help in that regard.

Best of luck, Michael.

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