How do I add tags to multiple items?

I apologize if I have missed some obvious way to do this but how exactly do I add tags to several documents that are selected?

If I select, for example, four note documents that I have and wish to tag them all the same, I seem to enter the tags in the tag line at the bottom of the window or in the info window. In both places it just says, “Multiple Selection”

This makes sense since the documents could all have different tags, but is there a separate way to add tags to them all at the same time without writing an applescript?

Thanks in advance.


If the documents in a selection do not have the same tags then a script is the way to go. This is the one I use. It’s simplistic - add one tag at a time. It could be improved to understand and parse delimited strings, etc.

-- select some records (discontiguous selections are OK)
-- add one tag at a time to the existing tags in those records
-- repeat as needed
-- use at your own risk: loss of data is your risk

tell application id "com.devon-technologies.thinkpro2"
		set these_items to the selection
		if these_items is {} then error "Please select some contents."
		set thePrompt to "Enter One Tag to Append to All Tags..."
		set theQuestion to display dialog thePrompt default answer ""
		set theAppend to text returned of theQuestion
		repeat with this_item in these_items
			set the_tags to the tags of this_item
			set newTags to the_tags & theAppend
			set the tags of this_item to newTags
		end repeat
	on error error_message number error_number
		if the error_number is not -128 then display alert "DEVONthink Pro" message error_message as warning
	end try
end tell

There are a couple of scripts available already, such as the one korm posted. If you don’t want to use a script, you can drag the documents to a tag group or groups to apply the tags. One of the quickest ways to do this is to display the Groups & Tags pane (Tools>Show Groups & Tags).

If the documents in a selection are all untagged, (or have the same tag(s)) then tags can be added via the Info pane or the tag bar.

Greg, you’re right. Adjusted my post. :unamused:

Great, many thanks to both of you. I like the script korm posted. I’ll see if I can modify it to accept and add multiple comma delimited entries.

Thanks again korm for that script which works wonderfully. I modified your script to accept a comma delimited list of tags:

-- select some records (discontiguous selections are OK)
-- add one tag at a time to the existing tags in those records
-- repeat as needed
-- use at your own risk: loss of data is your risk
--Thanks for this script by korm, modified by K. M. Lawson posted at:

--Thanks to Julio @ for this:
on split(someText, delimiter)
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to delimiter
    set someText to someText's text items
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""} --> restore delimiters to default value
    return someText
end split

--Thanks to Bruce Phillips for this, see
on replaceText(find, replace, subject)
    set prevTIDs to text item delimiters of AppleScript
    set text item delimiters of AppleScript to find
    set subject to text items of subject
    set text item delimiters of AppleScript to replace
    set subject to "" & subject
    set text item delimiters of AppleScript to prevTIDs
    return subject
end replaceText

tell application id "com.devon-technologies.thinkpro2"
        set these_items to the selection
        if these_items is {} then error "Please select some contents."
        set thePrompt to "Enter one or more tags to append to all tags, separated by commas"
        set theQuestion to display dialog thePrompt default answer ""
        set theAppend to text returned of theQuestion
        --Remove spaces after the commas if they are there:
        set theAppend to my replaceText(", ", ",", theAppend)
        repeat with this_item in these_items
            --split the answer by comma:
            set tagList to my split(theAppend, ",")
            set the_tags to the tags of this_item
            set newTags to the_tags & tagList
            set the tags of this_item to newTags
        end repeat
    on error error_message number error_number
        if the error_number is not -128 then display alert "DEVONthink Pro" message error_message as warning
    end try
end tell
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Hmm, my modified script to allow the adding of multiple tags works fine when there are only a few tags (2-3) added to only a few items (1-5).

However, whenever I add a number of tags to more than two or three files, DEVONthink crashes.

Why is that? I have a “try” handler in there but the error is not caught. Is this a bug in DEVONthink? Or bad scripting on my part?

Thanks in advance.

Maybe best to submit a bug report with the crash log(s); there’s a “Bug reports” link under Direct Lines on the Contact page.