How do I make a simple search using tags?

I applied tags to some entries in DevonThink Pro, but now when I search for something, those tags aren’t respected.

For instance, I have 7 posts in group named python and 5 of those posts are tagged tools but when I make a search in the search bar for “python tools” I only get 3 posts back and 1 of those 3 posts doesn’t even have the tools tag, so in fact DevonThink Pro is only finding 2 of the 5 posts it should find.

I tried a lot of things, including the Exclude Groups From Tagging option for the database (since Python is a group) but nothing actually works.

Isn’t DevonThink Pro capable of such a basic thing?

Use the Advanced button in the full Search window to filter searches by tags (and a number of other characteristics, as well).

You may filter by multiple tags if necessary. To do that, Option-click the “+” button to add another predicate.

How, that is a very cumbersome search for something so simple. If I tag something as “tools” then it should be obvious I want it to show up when I search for “tools”.

This may change in future releases.

you can use the tags view (if not seen yet) and select a tag to do a search, or multiple tags by cmd-clicking them.

update: I’d prefer to be able to use same syntax on mobile and desktop versions of DT - so a search like “dog tags:sport” gives me same results at office and on the road :slight_smile: and to be able to sync those queries :unamused:

But the “tags:tools” query in the search bar doesn’t return anything on my computer. I’m lead to believe that only works on iOS and that would be the necessary feature needed for the search query to work correctly on the macOS version of DT.

After all, if they already implemented the functionality on iOS version of DT I can’t see why don’t they just add it on the macOS version as well.

As I said, it’s something we are considering for the future on the Mac.

Also, iOS ≠ macOS. The underlying technologies aren’t necessarily the same, so it’s not as trivial as “just adding it”. Just something to think about.