How do I wrap the title of a note in the Notes List on DevonThink Desktop

On DevonThink To Go, I can set ‘Summary → x lines’ to wrap a note title:

How can I do that on the desktop? Currently, an ellipsis replaces the middle portion of a long title.

Welcome @anon37554300

This is currently not an option in DEVONthink. DEVONthink follows a similar method as the macOS Finder.
No promises, but the request is noted.

PS: We advocate using shorter filenames.

Thank you for your response.

My problem is a fundamental mismatch between my expectations and what DT provides. The smallest, isolated unit in DT is a file. I often need to add one-line or one-paragraph notes without a title, which are “co-equal” with respect to the other documents.

So, either I have to think of a title for such a very short note, or have to write the entire note as a title.