How many ways, you can use DT ?


Since, using DT, for about 2 months,
I am getting ideas on how to use it better,
as, for DT itself, the program is on going, and new
feature, are being added all the time… The Pro version
will do allot more, once this becomes available.

Now, for most business,
I would like to see, how people & business, are using DT
please give some small examples…

For Us, we created form letters,
once we have our company letter done the way we wanted,
we started to make form letters, ( fill in the blanks )
so, I would click and duplicate the form letter, and fill in the blanks,
and fax it out, and move that letter, into the clients folder.

So, tell me about yours usages.

Personally I use DT for two different tasks (using two databases):

  1. Creating a huge knowledge base (contains around 11.000 scientific articles at the moment). The most important abilities for this task are services ("Take Note"), grouping/ungrouping, moving to, searching for and classification/comparison of contents.

  2. Managing to-do lists & bookmarks, taking and writing notes, viewing images. These jobs basically benefit from the WebKit integration and the integrated text editing possibilities. And scrolling through lots of images is way faster than in iPhoto for example (although it does not have a high priority at the moment, DT really has the potential to replace multimedia managers like iPhoto, iView or QPict too).

Okay, sound good…
on the bookmarks, it would be a cool tool, to have web url links,
verfied via  button, to make sure they are still there,
another cool thing, would be to extract url links, from web pages.

Keep them coming…

"Capture All Links" (of a web page) will be probably added to version 1.8.2 (minor issue as DEVONagent already has such a command :slight_smile:)

I also have two databases:

one contains all sorts of (to me) interesting snippets that flicker across my screen; they range from information about the creation of the universe to information about Asian Bird Flu and SARS (pertinent because I live in Hong Kong and Toronto)

the other one is a database with links to and details about photographs as well as articles, photo essays, billing items and client information (this one is still very much in a state of flux)