How sort tags in the sidebar?

In Devonthinks 3 How can I sort the tags displayed in the sidebar ?
I only see them sorted alphabetically, but I would like to order them according to my personal criterion, in view sort I have selected unsorted but it does not seem to work, I continue to see them only sorted alphabetically


This should be possible after choosing Unsorted sorting in the sidebar’s contextual menu.

No, it doesn’t work, or rather it doesn’t work with the tags displayed in the sidebar.
If I drag&drop a tag displayed in the sidebar to change the order, after the “drop” the tags remain displayed alphabetically, but only in the sidebar in the other windows they are displayed in the order I chose with the drag&drop.

The next release will fix this.

Thanks cgrunenberg

Hi, I have the same issue as Riccardo. Has this been addressed yet in a new release?


This has been fixed, the sorting can be changed via the contextual menu.