how to add metadata when adding a PDF or email ?

Hello, sorry for the newbie question.

there is a very useful bookmarklet and chrome extension called
“clip to Devonthink”

it is VERY usefull because in the SAME window it allows me to fill
all relevant metadata:

  • title
  • notes
  • tags
  • format (rich text, etc)
  • choose the group

how can I bring the same window when I add an email
or a PDF?
i want to add it and add tags, comments, etc,
I dont want to add, then go to DT and select the file and then edit to add tags, comments, etc…

I wouldn’t find the options in Clip to DEVONthink as appropriate for capture of email and most other items.

Email messages captured to DEVONthink Pro Office via the Mail menu options added by DTPO are automatically named by the message’s Subject heading. Most of the PDFs I capture from the Web are already appropriately named. I usually use the Annotation template to add notes, e.g., to PDFs.

Preferences > Import - Destination options include Select group. With that setting, when I select for capture a new document a HUD appears that allows me to choose any group in any open database as the destination. If I wish, the HUD also allows entry of tags.

When I capture an email or PDF, I don’t want to change the filetype. For most captures from Web pages, e.g., capture of a paper from the current issue of Science Magazine, I select the portion of the page that contains the paper and capture it as rich text using the appropriate OS X Service command, Command-).