How to capture a tweet using the new DTTG?

Because Twitter is using JavaScript to dynamically load contents, DTTG seems to have problems to safe tweets. Has anybody figured out how to get a capture of a tweet regardless of this?

Even printing to paper is hard. I screen shot to PNG, save into the Global Inbox where I have a rule that converts incoming PNG into PDF then does an OCR on the file, then an Auto Classify. Crude but for the few that I do it works. I don’t automatically rename the file as the screenshot name shouts at me to rename it to something good (which only a person can do sometimes).

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rmschne, any chance of you posting the rule you are using? Seems simple enough, but since I haven’t used any rules, I wouldn’t mind some one holding my hand to it :wink:

Already did at Image import ignores location metadata - #2 by rmschne

Ignore the “every minute” condition. An artifact of when I created it and testing, but forgot to change.