How to cope with deleted RSS feed items reappearing

I know this problem has been mentioned before but I’m afraid I don’t really understand the reply.

I have several RSS feeds on a subject i need to master for a new job, with some items going back a month or so. Ideally, I’d like to delete those that i have read but don’t want to archive without them reappearing. A hefty day’s reading got the total down from around 900 to 300, only for the number to jump back again the next time I looked which was a mite depressing, to put it mildly.

I can see that I could try to read all items between 2 and 4 weeks old and then delete all articles over 2 weeks old and then read those between 1 and 2 weeks and delete any older than 1 week but I’d rather not be restricted that way if it’s possible.

Is there another way of doing it?

Hi, Oofy.

If it were me I’d create a folder (or separate database) for the articles I want to keep and drag those articles out of the feed and into the folder. I’m pretty sure this saves the content for as long as you wish to keep it. Then it only falls upon you to track what you’ve already read and mark it appropriately.

Tom S.

See viewtopic.php?f=4&t=13444


That’s a very simple solution. I shall try it. If it works, it solves all my problems.

Thank you. I shall also look forward to 2.1.2.
