How to delete a global Smart Group?

The question sounds silly, but how can I delete a global Smart Group?

I tried Right click --> Delete like in the following Screenshot:

But I get only a beep and the Smart Group remains…

Which version of DEVONthink and macOS do you use? Does restarting the app or rebooting the computer fix this?

I had the same issue and discovered that the smart rules were actually listed as smart groups. I deleted it in the plist property file for smart groups. Restarting then DT3.

Did you experience this again or are you able to reproduce this? We could never reproduce this although we’ve received few reports of this kind.

I use DT Pro 3.0.4 ion High Sierra.

Yes! Restarting the app presented me with the main window without the side bar (which – I am pretty sure – I had switched on when I quit DT). After toggleing on the side bar I could delete the Smart Group via the context menu.

I figure that before the restart DT somehow “thought” the side bar is invisible and therefore DT just beeped. - Strange though that it was able to show the context menu…

Yes, usually it happens when you create a new rule and leave it w/o saving it. It turns then into a intelligent group which can only be deleted using the plist files.

This shouldn’t even be possible. A screen recording would be really great.

I’m seeing this same issue. Restarting DEVONthink fixes it.

I’m running Big Sur 11.2.3 and DT 3.6.3.