How to insert both date and time?

Dear all

I’m a new user to DEVONthink (currently using DT personal) and trying to organize all my stuff.

Frequently I need to keep a log of issues brought to my attention. In order to keep good track of such log I prefer to write chronological what happens and decisions made. It would make it easier for me if I could enter date and time directly - have I missed that feature? I can see that with 2 key strokes can I enter both date and time, but I would prefer a combined keystroke.

Thanks for listening. The forum is a gold mine of information for new users like me - thanks for that.

Download DEVONtechnologies’ free Word Service from here. Instructions for installing it are in the .zip file. Log out and log in your computer. In System Preferences > Keyboard > Services activate the “Long Date & Time” service by placing a mark in the checkbox and then either use the existing keyboard shortcut, or assign your own. Then, wherever you want to install the date and time in any document in any application, use that shortcut.

(There seems to be a minor bug with the service in Mountain Lion. The first time the service is ever used on the computer, you need to explicitly invoke it from the Services menu in some application. Thereafter it works by using the keyboard shortcut in any application.)

Word Service has lots of other features. See its Readme file

Fantastic Korm - works like a charm. Thanks for your detailed answer.

Wish you a wonderful weekend.