How to link a DT item in a taskmanager?

Hi there,

I’ve just bought DT a couple of days ago and I’m just playing with it. One problem I cannot fix at the moment is that I don’t find a way to set a link to a file or folder within DT in another App (I use 2Do as taskmanager, I’d like to use DT as project reference folder).

Any ideas? How do you do that?


Edit > Copy Item Link (or the shortcut) will put a special link that looks like this on the clipboard


It is unique, and only represents that document in that database. When clicked in an app that recognizes custom URLs – most do – it will open DEVONthink (if closed) and focus on the document.

There are scripts and techniques to get links for multiple documents – but that’s a story for another day. Enjoy your purchase! :slight_smile:

Thanks, this looks great.

2Do seems not to recognize that but I’ll figure that out!

Thanks - figured that out. When copying the link into “action - link” it works like a charm. One more question (didnt bought the ios version yet) - is the link working on ios to, if the item is synced and on my iPhone?

I didn’t try it on iOS yet, but what seems really useful: one linked a file to DEVONthink to 2Do, you can place this file in another group in DEVONthink and 2Do still can find and open it.

Technically, yes, but it depends. iOS 10 broke some things concerning links like this. Apple apps (Notes, Mail) continued to work. Other apps, they didn’t. You’ll have to check with your specific app/developer.

Links added to 2Do work just fine on iOS too. You can add a link to 2Do on macOS and it’ll work when tapped in 2Do on iOS.