How to prefix part of the text content of a particular tag to the file name

I don’t know why I can use yyy/xxx to name the folder in finder…

Are you referring to groups in DEVONthink or an actual folder in the Finder?

Note: The operating system will make compensations in some cases but it is better to observe safe practices.

Well, I understand, thank you~

No, I did not use the index function, all files are imported into dt

You’re right that the finder does not complain. However, it is doing weird things behind your back: If you look at the file name on the console (terminal) e.g. with ls, you’ll see not a “/” in the name but a “:”.

So yes, the Finder makes you believe that the file name contains a slash. However, if you use any tool on the command line level, it will most probably not work with this faked file name.

It all boils down to what I said before: Do not use slashes in file names. Nor colons.

Get it, I have found that the files with / in the markdown note will not be displayed :stuck_out_tongue: