How to remove embedded links in Summary file

I have been trying to remove Embedded links from the Sumary RTF documents generated by DTP before I import them into Scrivener. I am trying Regex without making anyheadway. I’ve tried uding (<a href[\s\S]?>[\s\S]?)|(\b(http|https)://.*[^ alt]\b) but that requires access to the RTF source. I’d like to clean the Doc in DTP. after generating the summary.

Has anyone solved the problem of removing Embedded links and the corresponding text from RTF files? I want to remove the embedded link and text.

E.g. via AppleScript, this example strips all rich text links:

tell application id "DNtp"
	set theRecord to selected record 1
	tell text of theRecord
		set i to 1
		set cnt to number of attribute runs
		repeat while i ≤ cnt
			if exists URL of attribute run i then
				set text of attribute run i to ""
				set cnt to cnt - 1
				set i to i + 1
			end if
		end repeat
	end tell
end tell

I am seeing an issue with this removing links within paragraphs as well as the initial link back to the original, e.g., from captured Wikipedia pages…


Script results

Here’s my offering…

property localizedLine : {"Line:", "Leitung", "Ligne:"}

tell application id "DNtp"
	if (count selection) ≥ 1 then
		repeat with thisRecord in (selected records)
			set {recName, recType} to {name, type} of thisRecord
			if (recType as string) is in {"RTF", "RTFD"} then
				tell text of thisRecord
					repeat with textRun in (attribute runs)
						if (exists URL of textRun) and (word 1 of textRun & ":" is in localizedLine) then
							set text of textRun to ""
						end if
					end repeat
				end tell
				log message (recName as string) info ((recType as string) & " file(s) cannot be processed.")
			end if
		end repeat
	end if
end tell

