How to remove favorites in DTTG 3.2.2

I cannot remove groups from favorites. I’ve seen other posts mentioning that favorites from the are mirrored, but this does not seem to be my problem.

I’ve tried looking-pressing on the desired group and selecting “Remove from favorites” as well as batch removing using “Edit” - in both cases the modal appears and informs me the selected groups are being removed, but nothing happens.

Am I missing something?

I’ve tried looking-pressing on the desired group and selecting “Remove from favorites” as well as batch removing using “Edit”

Are you talking about DEVONthink on the Mac here?
Favorites aren’t synced between DEVONthink and DEVONthink To Go.

Nope, only iPhone.

I just removed a group from the Favorites global smart group in DEVONthink To Go with no issue. Also, no message appears when you do this. What are you seeing?

  1. Got to global smart group “Favorites”
  2. Long press group to remove (see first screenshot)
  3. Tap "Remove from Favorites "
  4. Modal pops up (see second screenshot)
  5. Nothing happens :frowning:

Got it. Thanks for the screen captures!

And what is shown after removing the Developer Roadmap 2019 favorite?

The group is never removed, despite the modal reporting otherwise.

I’ve created a Loom video, in case that’s helpful.

Can you reveal that group?

Yes, I can.

I’ve just noticed that I have favorited some groups that are in fact sub-groups of other favorites groups (very Inception, I know).

For example:

Development > Roadmap

In this case, if I try to remove “Development” it might still persist, given that “Roadmap” is still favorites. Could this be a potential issue?

Interesting idea but no, this should have no effect as they’re each independent pointers to the original items.

In DEVONthink To Go, select Help > Contact Us to start a support ticket. Perhaps there’s something useful in the logs.