How to save webarchives to Devonthink reliably?

Many users are kind of unhappy with the way MD handles images (i.e. you’ll get a link to them in your MD file, but the image is not downloaded, so it might be gone some days/months/years later). There’s a ton of threads around this issue in the forums.

Thanks for the response.
Yes, I just saved an article on Greece and it only saved one image. The text is the most useful thing but I was hoping to save the images. I would start saving to PDF but the text is so small and I’m not fluent enough in DT to know how to tweak. (Yes, I know I can enlarge the text in a PDF viewer, but when I’m just browsing through articles, I want it accessible).

May I suggest that you

  • open a new thread for this
  • give it a meaningful title
  • provide the URL you’re trying to save there
  • as well as the format you’re trying to save to (MD, PDF, cluttered or not - all the gory details)

Great suggestion

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