Howto Update Offline Archives from Download Manager?

i did some offline archives from weblogs (they tend to dissapear sometimes :wink:
That means i make a new database for each weblog and archive one weblog using the offline archive (Subdirectory (Complete)) function of the download manager (so this question is not about the webarchive file formatā€¦).
Is it possible to update those offline archives? Means only add new weblog entries to the offline archive without having to download everything again?


You could disable the ā€œOverwriteā€ option and see if this will work as expected.

Thank you, Christian.
On a first glance it seems to work. It does not download files that are already in the database a second time.
New files are added. But i am not sure what happens to files that changedā€¦

Changed files are probably ignored as this is basically intended for archiving, not for synchronizing right now.