I can't browse my files with 1.9.3


I have downloaded and installed DT PE 1.9.3 on my iBook G3 (Mac OS X 10.9.3). Although I can still search my database with the search command, the usual file browser window has disappeared. When I try “new window”, no new window is displayed. Thanks for your help.


To complete my report, I must say that my windows seems to be here, because I can see them through the window menu and can close them, but they are invisible.


same problem for me, i’ve a g4 PB 1ghz and no window appears, but they are listed in the window menu
thanks for help


I tried to switch localization of the Finder with english as a default language (I read the posts below about DevonThink requirements). New window command displays the window but it is empty.

We’ve fixed the localisation problem and exchanged the archives on our web server. Please simply download DEVONthink again.

Please report any problems that still persist.



With the new update, everything works fine!


I just downloaded the new update for my french localized version. Now the view as list, view as icons or view as columns are Ok, but view as horizontal or vertical split don’t work for me.



Drag the separator from the window border more to the middle. That should solve the problem.

Sorry for the inconveniences,


Thanks for your help. It’s Ok now. You make a great job and I love this program.

Should those of us who downloaded yesterday but aren’t having this problem download again?


No, not necessary. This only affects the french localization files. No code changed.



How to switch localization from French to English?

Thank you by advance,


This is not possible as a preference, etc. You can fake it by quitting DEVONthink and changing the primary language in your System Preferences > Language & Region > Preferred Languages to the language you’d like. Then launch DEVONthink and it will show the UI in that language. You could change the primary language back and DEVONthink will remain using the other language until you relaunch it.

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