I need some search assistance


Why I type my name, for exemplar ‘Peter de Vries’ search results also show me websites with ‘de’ and ‘Vries’. Which searchstring gives me results with the full name ‘Peter de Vries’.



you need the option “Phrase” checked (options tab in the search window). “All words” should work in this case as well…

Hope that helped,


Sorry, I did not realize it is a DA question. Put your name in “”, that should do it.

I do like DevonThink, but the few days I ask myself ‘why would I buy agent’?
To scan het internet I use bloglines. In bloglines I track all marketing-blogs I need.
Using Google I find almost everything I need and Google Alert ‘alerts’ me when certain words appear.
Why should I buy Agent?

Hope someone can convince me :slight_smile:

Not to try to convince you one way or the other…

Here’s a nice thread on the deep uses of DEVONagent. As always, look for Bill DeVille’s post. Hope that helps.

Well, I’m just a newbie myself, but I’m already finding it invaluable both for my research (I’m a writer) and for my personal websurfing. I’ll summarize several immediate salient points that I like, using some recent examples.

(1) I like that I can visually browse through the page links that DA finds. As soon as I’ve completed a search, I immediately double-click on the top link, which puts me into the full browser window with the DA toolbar at the top. I use the forward arrow button to get a look at each page, which I scan for whether it’s of interest to me; if it’s not something I want, I click on the delete button next to the arrows. In only a minute or two, I’ve looked through a large number of sites and pared down the found list to the ones that are useful to me.

(2) Once I’ve pared the list down, I move back to the Pages display in the Search panel. The deleted pages have been deleted here, too, so what’s left is the pages I want to keep for reference. Now I just click Add All and I’ve got a new Archive of pages that I can browse at my leisure. Steps (1) and (2) typically take me only a minute or two to sort out and save only the pages I want (unless, of course, I get distracted and start following links before I’ve finished my initial pass…).

(I’m a very visual person, so maybe this ability to very rapidly take in each page wouldn’t necessarily be useful to everyone. For me, it’s fabulous to watch the full pages zip by–and the discarded ones drop away–with just a tiny flick of my mousing finger, …)

(3) Then, of course, I’ve got the pages stored for future reference, AND indexed so I can go back at my leisure and search for the specifics and details.

This afternoon, for example, I was looking for information on English and Scottish Country Dancing in the south of England, where I’m about to go on holiday. I searched on “cecil sharp country dancing” because I knew that would constrain it roughly the way I wanted, and DA searched 74 pages and yielded 32 separate distinct found pages. In less than 2 minutes, I’d flipped through them all and discarded 15 of them, which left me with 17 pages of the exact content I was looking for, plus some interesting articles that I wanted to save to read in a spare moment.

(4) Back to the Archive later in the day with some time to read, I wanted to find the articles specifically about Morris dance that I’d saved. I typed “morris” into the Archive search and instantly got just the 4 articles that I’d wanted. Double-clicking on the first displayed article brought me back to the browser window again, where I could once again use the arrow keys to move back and forth through the 4 pages (the found sub-set).

By me, this is elegant, and just the way I want to be able to access information. This was for a personal search, but the ability to do this–search, winnow out, save, index, and go back later to browse the fully-indexed pages–is even more valuable in my research.

The last step in this process is to selectively add pages to DEVONThink.

(5) As I’m reading the 4 articles on Morris dance, I decide I want to keep 2 of them. From the Browser window, I do command-I, which instantly adds the page I’m reading as a web archive into DTP.

This is just part of how I’m learning to use DA, but the ability to do what I’ve just described alone would be worth the cost of it, for me…

Hope this helps a little …

technology writer / UI consultant / genealogist